Reliable User's Manual

Reliable User's Manual
Revised: 23-Sep-99 [Reliable v1.0.2]
English /


Message Formats:

Directives and Headers:

Advanced Functions:



What Is Reliable?

Reliable is an anonymous Type I/Type II hybrid remailer which runs on Windows systems. This User's Manual is intended as a reference for users and operators of Reliable remailers. It describes the message formats accepted by the remailer, and details directives which may be used to control how your messages are processed.

This manual may also be used as a reference for remailers in general. Most of the information in this manual applies to all remailers. However, users should make note of the differences in Reliable remailers.

If you are interested in running a public or private Reliable remailer on your own system, please consult the Operator's Manual in addition to this document. Reliable is designed to be useful as both a public remailer, which accepts messages from remailer users, and as a private local system remailer, which is used by an individual for pooling, reordering, and cover traffic benefits.

Reliable remailers are a Cypherpunk/Mixmaster hybrid. Cypherpunk directives (Latent-Time, Encrypt-Key, etc) can be used with all Mixmaster messages. Both kinds of messages are processed and pooled together. The operator may configure the remailer to accept only Cypherpunk messages, only Mixmaster messages, or both.

Reliable introduces several new remailer directives, and extends upon several existing directives to provide improved reply-block security and remailer reliability. It also includes testing functions which provide a way for users to get feedback on their test messages. This is aimed at reducing the number of test messages required to isolate problems, and provides those new to remailers with feedback on what they are doing incorrectly.

Information Requests

Reliable remailers accept information requests. To request information, send a blank message directly to the remailer address. Place one of the following commands in the Subject of your message. The remailer will reply to your message with the requested information.

Subject Function
Returns a configuration report which shows what directives and capabilities are supported, and other pertinent information. Not all remailer operators choose to enable every Reliable option detailed in this manual. The remailer-conf information will show you what is supported by the remailer.
remailer-help Returns the help file for the remailer. Operators sometimes customize help files for their particular remailer.
remailer-key Returns the remailer keys (Cypherpunk and/or Mixmaster) for the remailer. These keys are used to send encrypted remail requests to the remailer.
remailer-stats Reliable remailers return a remailer-conf report in response to remailer-stats, which depending on configuration may show the remailer's usage within the last week.

Cypherpunk Message Format

Remailers are used to send anonymous email. To send mail, send a remail request to the remailer. The message in your remail request will be sent anonymously to the address you specify. All original email headers are removed, and the origin of the message is unknown to the recipient.

The simplest kind of remail request is Cypherpunk. Cypherpunk remail requests may be created using any standard email client. (If your client uses MIME, be sure MIME encoding is turned off, or your message may be discarded.) To avoid errors and for greater convenience, consider using a remailer client to create your remail requests automatically.

The following shows the basic format of a Cypherpunk remail request:

[Remailer Directives]

[Message Text]

The Remailer Directives tell the remailer what you want done with the message. You must include at least one remailer directive to tell the remailer where to remail the message. The blank line before the message text is required.

The following Cypherpunk remail request format shows the additional use of hash headers:

[Remailer Directives]

[Hash Headers]

[Message Text]

Hash headers are additional final headers you want added to the message, such as a Subject.

The following is an example of a Cypherpunk remail request:

Latent-Time: +1:00

Subject: This is an anonymous message example

This is the text of the message to be remailed to the final recipient
specified in the Anon-To directive.

The above message instructs the remailer to send the message text anonymously to the final recipient ( with the specified Subject. The Latent-Time directive instructs the remailer to delay the message one hour (which improves security).

When sending a Cypherpunk remail request in a standard email client (not a remailer client), place the remailer address in the To field of the outgoing message. You may leave the Subject blank. Paste the above text into the message body. The "::" line should be the first line of the message.


  • Some remailers are Mixmaster only, and do not accept Cypherpunk remail requests at all. Be sure the remailer you are planning to use includes cpunk in its capability string.

  • Some Cypherpunk remailers are pgponly, and do not accept plain Cypherpunk remail requests. Be sure the remailer you are planning to send a plain (non-encrypted) remail request to does not include pgponly in its capability string.

  • If your standard email client supports MIME, be sure that MIME is disabled, and that the outgoing message is plain text. MIME messages sent to a remailer will be silently discarded.

  • Some remailers use replay caches and will delete duplicate messages. Thus if you send the same test remail request more than once, you may find that only the first one will yield a response.

PGP-Encrypted Message Format

If the Cypherpunk remailer you are sending your remail request to supports pgp in its capability string, you may encrypt your request with the remailer's PGP public key. In this way your remail request is encrypted from the time it leaves your computer until it reaches the remailer, providing you with greater security and anonymity. Someone intercepting the message cannot see the final destination or the message text. When the remailer receives the PGP-encrypted remail request, it will decrypt it and process the remail request inside it.

To create a PGP-encrypted Cypherpunk remail request, first create a plain Cypherpunk remail request, as shown in the above section. For example:

Latent-Time: +1:00

Subject: This is an anonymous message example

This is the text of the message to be remailed to the final recipient
specified in the Anon-To directive.

Save the request above to a file, and encrypt that file with the remailer's public PGP key using PGP 2.6.x or compatible. The encrypted output file will look something like this:

Version: 2.6.2


When encrypting, be sure to specify that the output is to be ASCII, and that local line conventions are to be used (-t switch as shown below). Otherwise Reliable may not be able to read your message. For example, if the original request was saved as EXAMPLE.TXT, your PGP command would look like this:

    pgp -eat EXAMPLE.TXT remailer@address
This would produce EXAMPLE.ASC, the PGP message shown above.

You may also use PGP version 5 or 6 to encrypt your message, in which case the above command is not used. Use the PGPTray utility to encrypt the message on the clipboard, then paste it back into your email.

Finally, complete the request by adding the following three lines before the PGP message:

Encrypted: PGP

Version: 2.6.2


Be sure there is a blank line after the "Encrypted: PGP" directive. Send this remail request to the remailer address. (When sending through a standard email client, be sure MIME encoding is disabled. Remailers will discard MIME encoded messages.)

Mixmaster Message Format

Mixmaster remail requests must be created using the Mixmaster client. Reliable remailers are compatible with messages created by Mixmaster versions 2.0.3, 2.0.4, and 3. If you are using DOS or Windows, Mixmaster is more readily handled through a remailer client.

To add Cypherpunk remailer directives to a Mixmaster remail request, include them as final headers when creating the remail request. Note that the final headers are seen only by the last remailer in the chain, thus only the last Mixmaster remailer may be given remailer directives. Also note that only Mixmaster remailers which are hybrid support Cypherpunk remailer directives in Mixmaster messages. (All Reliable remailers are hybrid.) Using them with other remailers may result in the directives being visible to the final recipient as final headers. Thus the last remailer in your chain should be hybrid if you add directives.

In addition, hash headers may be placed in the message body of Mixmaster messages. These will be added to the final headers of a message. The primary use for this placement is to bypass the 80 character length limitation of standard Mixmaster headers. Headers placed in a hash section are not so limited. For example, the following message body:


This is the text of the newsgroup post.

would include an oversize, single line Newsgroups header. The other headers for the message, such as the Subject, would be included as final headers in the Mixmaster client.

The Mixmaster client will create one or more output messages, which are encrypted remail requests. These should be mailed to the first remailer in the chain.

Remailer Directives

Remailer directives indicate how a message is to be handled, where it is to be remailed, etc. They are not seen by the final recipient of the message.

In Cypherpunk remail requests, remailer directives are placed in the "::" section. A Cypherpunk remail request must include one remailer directive which indicates where the message is to be remailed (e.g. Anon-To; Anon-Post-To; Remix-To; etc.)

In Mixmaster remail requests, remailer directives are optional. They are included as final headers of the message when constructing the remail request using the Mixmaster client. [This is a hybrid capability.]

Note: A given remailer may not support all of the directives listed below. Check the remailer's capability string, and send a remailer-conf request for specific information about a remailer.

Remailer Directives

Directive Anon-To:
Example Anon-To:

Message is to be remailed anonymously to
Example Anon-To:,

Message is to be remailed anonymously to address1 and address2.
Maximum Set by operator
Equivalent Request-Remailing-To
Configuration Standard cpunk (Supported by all Reliable remailers)
Note If the single, simple (no name or other text) destination address is that of a supported remailer, and if transparent repgp or remix is enabled, the message will be repgped or remixed to the remailer. To disable this function use Remail-To.
Note If an address in the Anon-To directive is blocked or disallowed by the operator, it is removed from the directive. If no addresses or valid directives remain, the message is discarded.

Directive Anon-Post-To:
Example Anon-Post-To: alt.test

Posts message anonymously to the alt.test newsgroup.
Example Anon-Post-To: alt.test,alt.test.a

Posts message anonymously to multiple newsgroups.
Maximum Set by operator.
Equivalent Post-To, Post (Mixmaster)
Configuration post
Optional. Posting may be performed via NNTP or a configured mail2news gateway, or may be disabled. If Anon-Post-To is not supported, the directive is ignored and any Anon-To or other directive specified takes precedence.
Note An Anon-Post-To directive may cause a news signature to be added to your message, specifying that it was sent via an anonymous remailer. Depending on configuration, this signature may only be added if you specify a custom From header.
Note If a newsgroup in the Anon-Post-To directive is blocked or disallowed by the operator, it is removed from the directive. If no newsgroups or valid directives remain, the message is discarded.
Note When sending a Mixmaster message, use a Post: header in lieu of a recipient. For example, enter the following as a recipient:
Post: alt.test

Directive Remix-To:
Example Remix-To:

Instructs Reliable to remix the message to the indicated remailer. The indicated address must be a simple remailer address (no name or other text), or a remailer name with no address, and must be included in Reliable's list of supported Mixmaster remailers (Reliable must have the key for the remailer).
Example Remix-To:,,

Instructs Reliable to remix to remailer3, sending the message through the Mixmaster chain: remailer1 --> remailer2 --> remailer3. [This is an extended use of Remix-To.]
Example Remix-To: random,, random

Mixmaster chooses a random remailer wherever "random" appears in the chain. [This is an extended use of Remix-To.]
Maximum Set by operator
Configuration remix2, ext
Optional. If transparent remix is enabled, Remix-To is enabled. Remix-To may also be enabled independently of transparent remix. During high load situations, Remix-To messages may be deferred for later processing, depending on configuration.
Note If the specified remix chain cannot be processed, either because Remix-To is disabled, or because keys are not available for one or several of the remailers, the Remix-To directive is discarded. Other directives, if any, such as Encrypt-To or Anon-To, then take precedence. If no valid directives are present, the message is discarded.
Note Random remailers are chosen by Mixmaster based on its statistics file and operator settings.

Directive Encrypt-To:
Example Encrypt-To:

Instructs Reliable to RePGP the message to the indicated remailer (sends the message to the remailer encrypted with the remailer's public key). The indicated address must be a simple remailer address (no name or other text), or a remailer name with no address, and must be included in Reliable's list of supported RePGP remailers (Reliable must have the PGP key for the remailer).
Example Encrypt-To:,,

Instructs Reliable to RePGP to remailer3, sending the message through the encrypted Cypherpunk chain: remailer1 --> remailer2 --> remailer3. Only the last remailer need be RePGP-capable, and must be included in Reliable's list of supported RePGP remailers. The other remailers in the chain need only support pgp. (Reliable must have the key for each remailer.) [This is an extended use of Encrypt-To.]
Example Encrypt-To: random,, random

Reliable chooses a random remailer wherever "random" appears in the chain. The last remailer in the chain must be a supported RePGP-capable remailer. [This is an extended use of Encrypt-To.]
Maximum Set by operator
Configuration repgp2, ext
Optional. If transparent repgp is enabled, Encrypt-To is enabled. Encrypt-To may also be enabled independently of transparent repgp.
Note If the specified repgp chain cannot be processed, either because Encrypt-To is disabled, or because keys are not available for one or several of the remailers, the Encrypt-To directive is discarded. Other directives, if any, such as Anon-To or Remail-To, then take precedence. If no valid directives are present, the message is discarded.
Note Random remailers are chosen by Reliable based on statistics and operator settings, and comply with RePGP requirements. Reliable uses a Distance setting of 3.

Directive Remail-To:
Example Remail-To:

Message is to be remailed anonymously to without public key encryption. The message is not RePGPed or Remixed even if transparent repgp or remix is enabled.
Example Remail-To:,

Message is remailed anonymously to both addresses.
Maximum Set by operator (Same maximum as Anon-To)
Configuration Standard (Supported by all Reliable remailers)
Note Remail-To works identically to Anon-To except that transparent remix and repgp is disabled.
Note Unlike Encrypt-To and Remix-To, Remail-To does NOT create chains. If multiple addresses are specified each receive a copy of the message.

Directive Test-To:
Example Test-To: youremail@address

If a Test-To directive is present, the message is processed normally. However, instead of being mailed, a test report is sent to the Test-To address indicating any errors or problems encountered during processing, including: directives and headers which are stripped, modified, or unsupported; features which are or are not supported; if Remix or RePGP is occurring as expected; if newsgroups or destination addresses are blocked; any internal errors which prohibit successful processing.
Example Test-To: me

Same as above, except the keyword "me" will be replaced by your email address (from either the From or Reply-To header of your message). (Note: The keyword "me" works only in a Test-To directive.)
Maximum One address
Configuration test
Standard (Supported by all Reliable remailers)
Note If the Test-To address is a blocked destination, the test report will not be mailed.
Note The Test-To directive should be the first directive listed. If it is placed after other directives and another directive causes processing to terminate, no Test-To report will be sent.
Note See also Encrypt-Test.

Directive Encrypt-Test:
Example Encrypt-Test: conventional_passphrase

Instructs Reliable to encrypt a Test-To message report with the specified PGP conventional passphrase.
Maximum On Reliable remailers running PGP 2.6.x, the maximum varies with system configuration, but may never exceed 68 characters. On remailers running PGP 5.x, the maximum is 255 characters.
Configuration test
Standard (Supported by all Reliable remailers)
Note Only applies if a Test-To directive is present.

Directive Null:
Example Null: anyaddress

Instructs Reliable to discard the message. (Used for cover traffic.)
Configuration Standard (Supported by all Reliable remailers)

Directive Rand-Hop:
Example Rand-Hop: 3

Adds a chain of three random remailers to reach the final destination.
Example Rand-Hop: 4r

Adds a chain of between 1 and 4 (random) random remailers to reach the final destination.
Maximum Set by operator. If the requested number of hops exceeds the maximum, it is reduced.
Equivalent RHop
Configuration rhop
Optional. If Maximum is set to zero the function is disabled and Rand-Hop directives are ignored.
Note The random chain is of the same type as the message precedence: if RePGP is enabled (transparently or explicitly), the chain will be PGP encrypted; if remix is enabled (transparently or explicitly), the chain will be Mixmaster; if neither RePGP nor Remix is enabled, the chain is non-encrypted.
Note Cypherpunk random remailers are chosen by Reliable based on statistics and operator settings. Mixmaster remailers are chosen by Mixmaster based on its stats file and operator settings.
Note If insufficient random remailers are available, the message is deferred until the operator corrects the configuration, at which time the message is requeued for processing.

Directive Latent-Time:
Example Latent-Time: 14:35

Schedules message for sending at 2:35pm GMT.
Example Latent-Time: +48:00

Schedules message for sending 48 hours after it is processed.
Example Latent-Time: +1:30r

Schedules message for sending between 0 and 90 minutes (random) after it is processed.
Maximum 23:59 / +99:99
Equivalent LatentTime, Latent
Configuration latent
Optional. If disabled, Latent-Time directives are ignored.
Note If no Latent-Time directive is specified, the message is assigned a random latency. This latency is between a minimum and maximum which the operator configures for the remailer.
Note The actual time when a message is mailed is affected by load and other factors. Although the message will not be mailed earlier than 5 minutes before the scheduled time, it may be delayed past the scheduled time by traffic. In any case, messages are mailed in an order based on their scheduled mailing times.
Note In cases where the destination is the remailer itself, the message is delivered internally and any Latent-Time directive is ignored.

Directive Cutmarks:
Example Cutmarks: ====

Indicates that any text after a line containing only "====" should be discarded.
Configuration cut
Standard (Supported by all Reliable remailers)
Note Unlike some remailers, Reliable does not treat sections following a cutmarks line as another remailer message. Any text after the cutmarks line is discarded.

Directive Encrypt-Key:
Example Encrypt-Key: conventional_passphrase

Encrypts any text after double-asterisk (**) line with the conventional passphrase using PGP IDEA encryption. If there is no double-asterisk line, the entire message is encrypted and a double-asterisk line is added at the top.
Example Encrypt-Key: conventional passphrase
Maximum On Reliable remailers running PGP 2.6.x, the maximum varies with system configuration, but may never exceed 68 characters. On remailers running PGP 5.x, the maximum is 255 characters.
Equivalent Encrypt-IDEA
Configuration ek
Optional. If not supported, the message is deleted.
Note Encrypt-Key may be used instead of or in conjunction with Encrypt-3DES and Encrypt-CAST. If other algorithms are used, the Encrypt-Key (IDEA) encryption is always performed last (so that your messages blend in with the other Encrypt-Key traffic).

Directive Encrypt-3DES:
Example Encrypt-3DES: conventional_passphrase

Encrypts any text after double-asterisk (**) line with the conventional passphrase using PGP 3DES encryption. If there is no double-asterisk line, the entire message is encrypted and a double-asterisk line is added at the top.
Example Encrypt-3DES: conventional passphrase
Maximum 255 characters
Configuration ekx
Optional. If not supported, the message is deleted.
Note Encrypt-3DES may be used instead of or in conjunction with Encrypt-Key and Encrypt-CAST.

Directive Encrypt-CAST:
Example Encrypt-CAST: conventional_passphrase

Encrypts any text after double-asterisk (**) line with the conventional passphrase using PGP CAST5 encryption. If there is no double-asterisk line, the entire message is encrypted and a double-asterisk line is added at the top.
Example Encrypt-CAST: conventional passphrase
Maximum 255 characters
Configuration ekx
Optional. If not supported, the message is deleted.
Note Encrypt-CAST may be used instead of or in conjunction with Encrypt-Key and Encrypt-3DES.

Directive Encrypt-Subject:
Example Encrypt-Subject: subject_passphrase

The MD5 hash of the final Subject is encrypted using the specified passphrase with IDEA conventional encryption.
Example Encrypt-Subject: subject passphrase
Maximum 255 characters
Configuration esub
Optional. If not supported, the final Subject is set to "(No Subject)".
Note A Subject header must be included in the hash section. Encrypt-Subject is generally used for messages bound for newsgroups like alt.anonymous.messages. To determine which encrypted subjects are yours, you will need to use an esub-capable remailer client, such as Jack B. Nymble v2 or Esub32.

Directive Inflate:
Example Inflate: 5

Adds 5 kilobytes of random garbage to the message.
Example Inflate: 7r

Adds anywhere between 1 and 7 kilobytes (random) of random garbage.
Maximum Set by operator. If the requested amount exceeds the maximum it is reduced.
Configuration inflt
Optional. If Maximum is set to zero the function is disabled and Inflate directives are ignored.
Note If an Encrypt-Key directive is present, the garbage is added within the encrypted section.
Note If not within an Encrypt-Key section, garbage can be stripped away by the following remailer using a Cutmarks directive:

Cutmarks: -----BEGIN GARBAGE-----
Note If decrypting mail with Decrypt or Jack B. Nymble, note that garbage sections of incoming mail may be removed automatically.

Directive Max-Size:
Example Max-Size: 15

If the message is larger than 15K, it is discarded.
Maximum None. (A message larger than the remailer's maximum supported message size is always discarded.)
Equivalent MaxSize
Configuration max
Standard (Supported by all Reliable remailers)
Note If the remail request is PGP-encrypted, the message size is the decrypted message (before processing). If the remail request is not PGP-encrypted, the message size is the full message as received by the remailer, including headers.
Note For more information consult Using Max-Size.
Note See also Max-Count and Max-Date.

Directive Max-Count:
Example Max-Count: 20

If the remail-request is received more than (approximately) 20 times on a given day, the messages are discarded.

Equivalent MaxCount
Configuration max
Standard (Supported by all Reliable remailers)
Note A remail request which includes a Max-Count directive must be PGP-encrypted. If it is not, the message is discarded.
Note The Max-Count value is somewhat approximate, and the actual daily maximum may be slightly higher (but not lower). This is done intentionally to thwart traffic analysis. A Max-Count directive of 5 or less is obeyed exactly.
Note For more information consult Using Max-Count.
Note See also Max-Size and Max-Date.

Directive Max-Date:
Examples Max-Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:00:00 -0800
Max-Date: 21 Jan 1999 17:00:00 -0000
Max-Date: 21 Jan 1999 17:00

If the remail request is processed after the specified date and time, it is discarded. If no timezone is specified, GMT (-0000) is assumed.

Example Max-Date: 21 Jan 1999

If the remail request is processed after the specified date, it is discarded. If no time is specified, no timezone may be specified.

Maximum None
Equivalent MaxDate
Configuration max
Standard (Supported by all Reliable remailers)
Note The format of the date and time accepted by Max-Date is identical to that used in the Date header of email messages (English only). If the directive contains an invalid date or date format, the message is discarded.
Note For more information consult Using Max-Date.
Note See also Max-Size and Max-Count.

Directive Encrypted:
Example Encrypted: PGP

Informs Reliable that the messsage text is a PGP-Encrypted remail request. Reliable will decrypt the message and process the remail request inside.
Configuration pgp
Standard for all cpunk Reliable remailers. pgponly remailers require the Encrypted: PGP directive.
Note The only valid text which may follow an Encrypted directive is "PGP".

Additional Notes:
The following applies to Reliable remailers, and may not apply to other remailers in use.

  • Multiple addresses and newsgroups in headers should be separated by commas. Spaces before or after the comma are permissible with Reliable remailers.

  • Remailer directives are not case sensitive.

  • Any place where a remailer address is required, the short name of any supported remailer may be used. Reliable will expand the name to the full address. For example:

            Anon-To: Base
              would expand to
            Remix-To: random, squirrel, wazoo
              would expand to
            Remix-To: random,,
    This is an extended capability.

Final Headers

Final headers are those mail headers which appear in the message sent to the final recipient, such as Subject or Newsgroups headers. In Cypherpunk messages, final headers are added in the hash ("##") section of the Cypherpunk remail request. In Mixmaster messages, final headers may be added either in the Mixmaster client or in a hash section, as described in Mixmaster Message Format.

In general, any headers are permissible. In practice, some headers are disallowed (stripped) from outgoing messages. Send a remailer-conf request to a remailer to determine what final headers are stripped.

The following table lists final headers which have a special function, or are treated differently by Reliable remailers.

Final Headers

Header Subject:
Example Subject: Message Subject
Note Subjects are optional, but must be included with messages going to mail2news gateways. If omitted with an Anon-Post-To message, a Subject header is added automatically.

Header Newsgroups:
Example Newsgroups: alt.test, alt.alt.test
Maximum Set by operator (Same maximum as Anon-To)
Configuration A Newsgroups header may cause a news signature to be added to your message, specifying that it was sent via an anonymous remailer. Depending on configuration, this signature may only be added if you specify a custom From header.
Note A Newsgroups header should be added to messages sent to a mail2news gateway, unless the gateway requires the group name in the address.
Note If a newsgroup in the Newsgroups header is blocked by the operator, it is removed from the header. If no newsgroups remain, the header is deleted. Newsgroups header blocking is handled separately from Anon-Post-To blocking. To determine if a newsgroup is blocked, include a Test-To directive.

Header Followup-To:
Example Followup-To: alt.test

Indicates where followups to your newsgroup post should be posted. This header is not filtered.
Maximum None

Header From:
Example From: youremail@address (Your Nickname)
From: "Your Nickname"
From: Your Nickname
The remailer's standard "Anonymous" From header may be replaced by your specified header, only the Nickname may be used, or the entire header may be discarded, depending on configuration.
Example From: (Your Nickname)
From: "Your Nickname"
From: Your Nickname
The remailer's standard "Anonymous" name may be replaced by your nickname, or the entire header may be discarded, depending on configuration.
Configuration The operator has the following options regarding when to allow a From header:
  • On all messages, name and address
  • On all messages, name only
  • On Anon-Post-To posts only, name and address
  • On Anon-Post-To posts only, name only
  • Never
The operator may also choose to add a news signature to posts or news messages which have a custom From header.
Note From headers are generally added to news posts so that a nickname will appear in lieu of "Anonymous". Note that even if a remailer allows a From header to be added, a mail2news gateway may strip it.
Note If only a nickname is used, a From header in the form:
From: Anonymous-Remailer@See.Comments.Header (Your Nickname)
will be added to the message in lieu of the standard From header.

Header CC:, Bcc:
Example CC:

In addition to the addresses specified in the To header, the message will be anonymously remailed to the addresses in the CC (Carbon Copy) header.
Example Bcc:,

In addition to the addresses specified in the To and CC headers, the message will be anonymously remailed to the addresses in the Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) header. The Bcc header is not visible to final recipients of the message.
Maximum Set by operator (Same maximum, each, as Anon-To)

Header Reply-To:
Example Reply-To: youremail@address

Added to the final message. If a person wishes to reply to your message, the email client will by default send the reply to the Reply-To address instead of the From address. Of course, specifying a Reply-To address may compromise your anonymity.

Using Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date

Remailers which include the max capability support Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date directives. (All Reliable remailers running version 1.0.f and later support max.) These directives are used to add security to reply-blocks, and to make cpunk messages in general less vulnerable to replay attacks. Max directives place limits on when and how a remail request may be used.

Max-Size is designed for use in reply-blocks, and has no real utility in non-reply-block messages. It instructs the remailer to discard the message if it exceeds the specified maximum. For example, consider the following reply-block excerpt:
Max-Size: 15

If the length of the decrypted reply-block plus the length of the attached message exceeds 15k (15 x 1024 bytes = 15360 characters), the message will be discarded by the remailer.

Max-Size is used to limit the size of messages which are sent to your reply-block. If fixedsize is not enabled on your nym account, messages may be as large as 1 meg or more. Such a large message can compromise the security of your reply-block because large messages stand out more in traffic. With Max-Size any messages larger than the maximum you define are deleted.

Also, if someone obtains a copy of your reply-block, and tries to trace it by sending large messages through it directly, the Max-Size feature will delete the messages.

If your nym account has +fixedsize enabled, which splits messages into 10K pieces, Max-Size may be set to about 15K. Each time the message is encrypted by a remailer en route, it grows slightly larger. If you have a long chain in your reply-block, you will need to set the Max-Size a few K larger. If you use Inflate directives in earlier remailers in the chain, this will also increase the message size. You can use the Test-To directive in combination with Max-Size to test various combinations.

The Max-Count directive is designed for use in reply-blocks. It determines how many messages may be remailed through a given reply-block on any one day. For example, consider the following reply-block excerpt:
Max-Count: 20

(Shown without required PGP encryption)

The above Max-Count directive would limit the number of messages through the reply-block to 20 per day. Any additional messages received would be discarded by the remailer.

IMPORTANT: Your reply-block must be PGP-encrypted to work correctly with Max-Count. If it is not encrypted, every message will be discarded.

Max-Count makes replay attacks on your reply-block or nym account less effective. It is also helpful in addressing the problem of large messages sent to a +fixedsize nym account. Such messages are broken into many pieces.

Use of Max-Count may result in lost mail if the setting is too low for the typical traffic through your account. It also means that a person can effectively disable your account for a day by sending many messages, or a large message (if fixedsize) to your nym account. This is called a denial of service attack. However, many users consider this preferable to replay attack vulnerability.

Note that nym accounts also shut down after a certain number (and amount) of messages, and send the account owner a notice that he must re-enable his account. If your Max-Count reply-block shuts down first, you may not receive this notice. (You will discover the problem if you try to send mail through your account the next day, and those sending mail to your account will receive a message stating that it is disabled.)

Reliable remailers implement the Max-Count feature by hashing the reply-block, and storing a 32 digit hexadecimal number to represent it. Your reply-block is not stored on the remailer.

Note: The Max-Count value is somewhat approximate, and the actual daily maximum may be slightly higher (but not lower). This is done intentionally to thwart traffic analysis. A Max-Count directive of 5 or less is obeyed exactly.

The Max-Date directive is designed for use in both reply-blocks and Cypherpunk messages. It sets an expiration date for a message. If the message has expired, it is discarded by the remailer. The date is specified in the same format used in the Date header of email messages. For example, consider the following remail requests:
Max-Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:00:00 -0800

This example specifies an exact date and time when the
message expires.  (The day of the week may be excluded.)

Max-Date: 21 Jan 1999

This example specifies the last date on which the message
may be remailed.  After January 21, the message will be
discarded.  If no time is specifed, no timezone ("-0800")
may be specified.  When a timezone is not specified, GMT
(-0000) is assumed.

Cypherpunk messages are particularly vulnerable to replay attacks. For example, you send a Cypherpunk message to a newsgroup. If a person suspects you are the sender, and has access to your outgoing mail, he can resend the same Cypherpunk message additional times, and it will appear additional times on the newsgroup.

Some remailers use replay caches which help prevent this, but unlike Mixmaster messages, when a Cypherpunk message expires from the cache, it can be remailed again. This slows down the attack, but does not prevent it entirely.

Max-Date solves this problem by setting an exact expiration date for the remail request, after which it cannot be used to send a message. Max-Date may also be combined with a Max-Count: 1 directive to help insure that a given (PGP-encrypted) remail request is honored only once.

Max-Date may also be used in reply-blocks, in which case it determines when the reply-block will expire. If you change your reply-block once every two weeks, for example, you can specify a Max-Date directive when you create it, so that if someone attempts to use the reply-block after it has been changed (for a replay attack, for example), it will fail.

Replay caches are particularly ineffective for reply-blocks, because of random elements like Encrypt-Key, which changes the message each time the reply-block is used. Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date provide a way to limit the use of reply-blocks.

For best results, use Max directives early in your chain, so that invalid messages are deleted before they compromise later parts of your reply-block.

Although Max directives may be used with hybrid Mixmaster remailers, most Mixmaster remailers by design will not send a given message more than once. (This is true only if the remailer has Packet ID logging enabled, which most remailers do.)

Please consult the Remailer Directives section for additional information on Max directives.


RePGP is a method Cypherpunk remailers may use to send messages to other Cypherpunk remailers. RePGP only applies to Cypherpunk remailer chains. To improve security, the sending remailer encrypts the entire message with the receiving remailer's public key. The message is formatted as a PGP-Encrypted Cypherpunk remail request. The receiving remailer decrypts the message and processes it normally.

Because the original message may already be encrypted, RePGP may result in a message being encrypted more than once. Because of this, the remailer receiving a RePGP message must be capable of recursive decryption. Not all remailers are capable of recursive decryption, thus RePGP is limited to a select set of remailers. To find out which RePGP-capable remailers are supported by a given Reliable remailer, send a remailer-conf request.

Reliable remailers may also create RePGP chains. In this case only the last remailer in the chain need be RePGP-capable. However, all the remailers in the chain must be in the Reliable remailer's list of supported remailers, because Reliable must have the public key of each remailer.

There are two ways in which RePGP is performed. The first is called Transparent RePGP, represented by repgp in the capability string. Transparent RePGP, as the name indicates, is transparent to the remailer user. Anytime the destination address in an Anon-To directive is that of a supported RePGP-capable remailer, Reliable will automatically send the message to the remailer in RePGP format. However, not all Reliable remailers support Transparent RePGP.

The only way to verify that Transparent RePGP is taking place between remailers is to include a Test-To directive.

The second kind of RePGP is referred to as Explicit RePGP, represented by repgp or repgp2 in the capability string. Explicit RePGP involves the user specifying an Encrypt-To directive in lieu of Anon-To. The Encrypt-To directive contains the address or name of a supported RePGP-capable remailer. If a repgp2 remailer supports the remailer in an Encrypt-To directive, the message will be sent with RePGP. If for any reason the RePGP cannot be performed (because of a missing key, for example), the message is discarded. In this way, Encrypt-To ensures that a message is RePGP encrypted between remailers, even if Transparent RePGP is disabled. However, be sure the remailer supports repgp or repgp2. (If a remailer has Transparent RePGP enabled, Explicit RePGP is also enabled.)

Another use of an Encrypt-To directive is to disable Transparent Remix. Even if Transparent Remix is enabled, the message will be sent only with RePGP encryption.

To disable both Transparent Remix and RePGP, causing the message to be sent without additional encryption, use a Remail-To directive.

In addition, Reliable remailers support an extended use of Encrypt-To to specify a chain of remailers. Your message will be PGP encrypted to each remailer in the chain. The last remailer specified must be RePGP capable. For example:

    Encrypt-To: squirrel, random, base
will cause the remailer to send the message with RePGP to the Base remailer through the PGP-encrypted chain Squirrel --> Random --> Base, where "Random" will be a randomly chosen remailer. (Reliable will expand the remailer names to their full addresses before sending. You may also specify the full address of the remailers.)

Reliable remailers also accept combinations of Anon-To, Encrypt-To, and Remix-To directives. For example, if both an Encrypt-To and Anon-To directive is present, and the RePGP cannot be performed, the Encrypt-To directive is discarded, and the Anon-To directive takes precedence. On the other hand, if the RePGP is performed, the Anon-To directive is discarded. Please consult the Directive Precedence section for additional information.

Why is RePGP Used?
RePGP improves the security of messages as they travel between remailers. It is an especially useful feature for encrypted reply-blocks. Without RePGP or Remix reply-blocks are more vulnerable because the encrypted reply-block is the same for each message.

For outgoing messages, RePGP is unnecessary, because your remailer client can fully PGP-encrypt the message which each remailer's public key.

How do Reliable Remailers Differ?
Reliable remailers support the ext capability, which means they support the following extended features:

  • multiple addresses in the Encrypt-To directive
  • the keyword "random" to specify a randomly selected remailer
  • the name of the remailer may be used in lieu of a full address
  • combinations of Anon-To, Encrypt-To, and Remix-To


Remix, like RePGP, is a method Cypherpunk remailers may use to send messages to other Cypherpunk remailers. Remix only applies to Cypherpunk remailer chains. The message is formatted as a Mixmaster message for greater security. The receiving Cypherpunk remailer must support both cpunk and mix to be eligible as a Remix recipient. This remailer will decrypt the Mixmaster remail request and process the Cypherpunk remail request contained within it.

There are two ways in which Remix is performed. The first is called Transparent Remix, represented by remix in the capability string. Transparent Remix, as the name indicates, is transparent to the remailer user. Anytime the destination address in an Anon-To directive is that of a supported Mixmaster remailer, Reliable will automatically send the message to the remailer in Mixmaster format. However, not all Reliable remailers support Transparent Remix.

The only way to verify that Transparent Remix is taking place between remailers is to include a Test-To directive.

The second kind of Remix is referred to as Explicit Remix, represented by remix or remix2 in the capability string. Explicit Remix involves the user specifying a Remix-To directive in lieu of Anon-To. The Remix-To directive contains the address or name of a supported Mixmaster remailer. If a remix or remix2 remailer supports the remailer in a Remix-To directive, the message will be sent in Mixmaster format. If for any reason the Remix cannot be performed (because of a missing key, for example), the message is discarded. In this way, Remix-To ensures that a message is Mixmaster encrypted between remailers, even if Transparent Remix is disabled. (If a remailer has Transparent Remix enabled, Explicit Remix is also enabled.)

When using a Remix-To directive, be sure the remailer specified supports both cpunk and mix, or the message will be lost.

To disable Transparent Remix and Transparent RePGP, causing the message to be sent without additional encryption, use a Remail-To directive.

In addition, Reliable remailers support an extended use of Remix-To to specify a chain of remailers. Your message will be Mixmaster encrypted to each remailer in the chain. The last remailer specified must support both cpunk and mix. For example:

    Remix-To: marvin, random, replay
will cause the remailer to send the message through the Mixmaster chain Marvin --> Random --> Replay, where "Random" will be a randomly chosen remailer. (Reliable will expand the remailer names to their full addresses before sending. You may also specify the full address of the remailers.)

Reliable remailers also accept combinations of Anon-To, Encrypt-To, and Remix-To directives. For example, if both an Encrypt-To and Remix-To directive is present, and the Remix cannot be performed, the Remix-To directive is discarded, and the Encrypt-To directive takes precedence. On the other hand, if the Remix is performed, the Encrypt-To directive is discarded. Please consult the Directive Precedence section for additional information.

Why is Remix Used?
Remix improves the security of messages as they travel between remailers. It is an especially useful feature for encrypted reply-blocks. Without RePGP or Remix reply-blocks are more vulnerable because the encrypted reply-block is the same for each message.

For outgoing messages, Remix is unnecessary, because the Mixmaster client can create a fully encrypted Mixmaster chain.

How do Reliable Remailers Differ?
Reliable remailers support the ext capability, which means they support the following extended features:

  • multiple addresses in the Remix-To directive
  • the keyword "random" to specify a randomly selected remailer
  • the name of the remailer may be used in lieu of the full email address
  • combinations of Anon-To, Encrypt-To, and Remix-To

Directive Precedence

Reliable remailers support the ext capability, which indicates that multiple destination directives are accepted. For example, consider the following Cypherpunk message:

Remix-To: hyper
Encrypt-To: hyper
Anon-To: hyper


This is an anonymous message sent to through
a chain of remailers ending with Hyper.
When a Reliable remailer receives the above message, it will first consider the Remix-To directive (because this directive has precedence). If remix2 is enabled, and if the Hyper remailer is a supported Mixmaster remailer, it will send the message anonymously to Hyper using Remix.

If for any reason the Remix-To directive cannot be performed, the directive will be discarded and the Encrypt-To directive will take precedence. The message will be sent to Hyper with RePGP.

If for any reason both the Remix-To and Encrypt-To directives cannot be performed, the Anon-To directive will take precedence, and the message will be sent to Hyper without additional encryption.

Combinations like the above example allow a user to specify Explicit Remix to remailers which have Transparent Remix disabled. In addition, if the remailer cannot perform the Explicit Remix, the message is not discarded, but is remailed in the less secure way.

In some cases it is desirable to have the message discarded. For example, if you don't want a message sent without Remix for security reasons, you can specify just a Remix-To directive. In other cases it is convenient to enable Explicit Remix without having the message discarded in the event the message cannot be remixed.

Directives may be placed in any order (although for best results, a Test-To directive should always be placed before other directives). Their order of precedence is as follows:

If an Anon-To, Remail-To, or Anon-Post-To directive contains invalid or blocked destinations, those destinations are removed from the directive. If the directive is then empty, it is removed, and another directive, if any, takes precedence. If no valid destination directives remain, the message is discarded.


The following are example messages which may be sent to Reliable remailers. Note that some directives may not apply depending on configuration.

Encrypt-To: base
Inflate: 7r

Cutmarks: -----BEGIN GARBAGE-----

This message would instruct Reliable to RePGP to  A random amount of garbage no greater
than 7K would be added to the end of the message (within the
public key encryption).  Base would strip off the added garbage
and remail the message to

Encrypt-To: Base
Rand-Hop: 4r


This message would instruct Reliable to RePGP to through a chain of between 1 and 4 random
remailers.  The chain would be PGP encrypted.
Base would remail the message to

Encrypt-To: replay,bong,base
Rand-Hop: 3


This message would be sent via a PGP encrypted chain of three
random remailers followed by replay, bong, and base.  Only Base
need be capable of accepting RePGP mail.

Remix-To: squirrel,random
Rand-Hop: 3


This message would be Mixmaster encrypted via the following chain:
    random --> random --> random --> -->
The last remailer would remail the message to

Rand-Hop: 1
Encrypt-Key: test

Subject: Final subject

Reliable would remail this message to one random remailer who
would remail it to  The message would be
encrypted (by Reliable) with the passphrase "test".  The one
random remailer chosen would be Mixmaster if transparent remix is
enabled, PGP encrypted if transparent RePGP is enabled, or
unencrypted if neither are enabled.

Encrypt-Test: reportphrase
Inflate: 3r
Cutmarks: ===
Jjdfle: Meaningless directive
Encrypt-Key: test
Latent-Time: 5:00r

Subject: My Subject
From: My Nickname 

Reliable would process this message fully, analyzing all To
headers and performing the ek encryption.  The message would be
queued for sending, and then would be deleted.  Instead of the
message being mailed, a test report would be ** sent to detailing any problems encountered, including
any errors, any blocked addresses, and whether the custom From
header was accepted.  The test report would be encrypted with the
passphrase "reportphrase", and would include both the top part of
the original test message, and the first 20 lines of the final
output message generated.

The test report would look something like this (encrypted of
course): [The example below was run using a remailer which had
middleman enabled, and did not support transparent repgp or remix
(so the message was sent to the random remailer (Neva) without
encryption).  The remailer was set to disallow From headers, and
had Latent-Time disabled.  It had a destination block set for

    This is an automated response to the test message you sent to
    Example. Your test message results follow:

    BEGIN: Preprocessing message JD3J9.ML0 at 11-Aug-98 08:34 GMT

    Remailer Directives:
    Encrypt-Test: reportphrase
    Inflate: 3r
    Cutmarks: ===
    Jjdfle: Meaningless directive
         WARNING: Directive (above) not recognized (ignored)
    Encrypt-Key: test
    Latent-Time: 5:00r
         WARNING: Latent-Time directive disabled

    Hash Headers:
    Subject: My Subject
    From: My Nickname 

    BEGIN: Examining headers
    To: Direct Destination Not Allowed - 
                            Middleman Enabled
    To: Destination Blocked
    To: Direct Destination Not Allowed - 
                            Middleman Enabled
    WARNING: From header stripped

    BEGIN: Processing
    Inflation: Adding garbage (2.12k)
    Encryption: Encrypt-Key Conventional
    Middleman: Random non-encrypted hop
    RemailList: RANDOM
         Build To: (hash)

    Your test message was processed successfully.
    Queue: Message successfully queued for SMTP.
      (Your test message will not actually be sent.)
    Scheduled for sending at: 11-Aug-98 09:47 GMT

    The first 20 lines of your original test message follows:
    Encrypt-Test: reportphrase
    Inflate: 3r
    Cutmarks: ===
    Jjdfle: Meaningless directive
    Encrypt-Key: test
    Latent-Time: 5:00r

    Subject: My Subject
    From: My Nickname 

    Reliable would process this message fully, analyzing all To
    headers and performing the ek encryption.  The message would
    be queued for sending, and then would be deleted.  Instead of
    the message being mailed, a test report would be
    sent to detailing any problems
    encountered, including any errors, any blocked addresses, and
    whether the custom From header was accepted.  The test report
    would be encrypted with the passphrase "reportphrase", and
    would include both the top part of the original test message,
    and the first 20 lines of the final output message generated.

    The test report would look something like this:

    The headers and first 20 lines of your final output message

    From: (Example Anonymous Remailer)


    Subject: My Subject

    Reliable would process this message fully, analyzing all To
    headers and performing the ek encryption.  The message would
    be queued for sending, and then would be deleted.  Instead of
    the message being mailed, a test report would be
    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
    Version: 2.6.3i


Remix-To: hyper
Encrypt-To: hyper
Anon-To: hyper


If the receiving Reliable remailer had remix2 or remix enabled,
this message would be remixed to, who
would remail it to  If remixing was disabled,
the Remix-To directive would be deleted, and the Encrypt-To
directive would take precedence, and the message would be mailed
with repgp to Hyper.  However if the remailer did not have remix
or repgp enabled, the Encrypt-To directive would also be deleted,
and the Anon-To directive would take precedence, causing the
message to be remailed unencrypted to Hyper.  (If the Encrypt-To
and Anon-To directives were omitted, the message would be

Remailer Capabilities

Depending on configuration, Reliable remailers may support any of the following capabilities. An asterisk ("*") in this example remailer capability string indicates it is an optional function which the remailer operator may or may not choose to enable.

$remailer{"Example"} = "<> cpunk* mix* hybrid* middle* pgp* pgponly* latent* ek* ekx* esub* cut hash post* repgp* repgp2* remix* remix2* reord* ext max test inflt#* rhop#* klen#";

Remailer Capability Indicators

Indicator Function
cpunk* Accepts remail requests in Cypherpunk format. Supports Request-Remailing-To: and Anon-To directives.
mix* Accepts remail requests in Mixmaster format.
hybrid* Accepts Cypherpunk remailer directives in the headers of Mixmaster messages. All Reliable mix remailers are hybrid.
middle* Is a middleman style remailer - creates its own chain of other remailers. [Reliable's middleman feature is "smart" in that when sending to another remailer, it will send directly. When sending to a non-remailer address, a random remailer is chosen based on reliability statistics.]
pgp* Accepts PGP-Encrypted Cypherpunk remail requests.
pgponly* Cypherpunk remail requests MUST be PGP-Encrypted. Plain non-encrypted remail requests are not accepted.
latent* Supports Matt Ghio's Latent-Time directive.
ek* Conventionally encrypts messages when an Encrypt-Key directive is specified.
ekx* Supports Encrypt-Key, Encrypt-3DES, and Encrypt-CAST directives to conventionally encrypt messages with one or more algorithms.
esub* Supports Encrypt-Subject to conventionally encrypt the hash of the final Subject header.
cut Supports Matt Ghio's Cutmarks directive.
hash Supports hash ("##") pasting, so any header can be included in the final headers of anonymous messages.
post* Supports posting to Usenet using a Post-To: or Anon-Post-To: directive. [Reliable remailers treat a Post-To directive as an Anon-Post-To directive. Other remailers may treat a Post-To directive as a non-anonymous posting request.]
repgp* Supports Transparent and Explicit RePGP. Messages sent to other remailers are PGP encrypted with the remailer's public key, and an Encrypt-To directive may be used.
repgp2* Supports only Explicit RePGP through the use of an Encrypt-To directive. [Reliable's Encrypt-To directive is extended in that it may specify a chain of remailers, and may be used in conjunction with other destination directives which take precedence in the case of failure.]
remix* Supports Transparent and Explicit Remix. Messages to other remailers are sent in Mixmaster format, and a Remix-To directive may be used. In high load situations Transparent Remix may be disabled without notice.
remix2* Supports only Explicit Remix through the use of a Remix-To directive. [Reliable's Remix-To directive is extended in that it may specify a chain of remailers, and may be used in conjunction with other destination directives which take precedence in the case of failure.]
reord* Attempts to foil traffic analysis by reordering messages.
ext Supports extended directive features. All Reliable remailers have the ext capability, which indicates that:
max Accepts Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date directives for greater control of messages and reply-blocks. [More Info]
test Accepts a Test-To directive. The message is fully processed, and instead of being mailed, a test report is sent to the Test-To address.
rhop#* Accepts a Rand-Hop directive to cause a message to be chained through random remailers. The number (#) indicates the maximum number of hops supported. e.g. rhop5
inflt#* Accepts an Inflate directive to cause a message to be inflated by random garbage. The number (#) indicates the maximum number of kilobytes which may be added. e.g. inflt20
klen#* Indicates the maximum message size accepted by the remailer in kilobytes. e.g. klen1000 accepts messages up to 1mb (1000K).

Other capabilities which may appear in capability strings, but which should not be associated with a Reliable remailer, include:

Other Capability Indicators

Indicator Function
newnym A pseudonymous remailer.
ksub Remailer always kills (deletes) the original Subject header, even in non-pgp mode. All Reliable remailers are ksub, but this capability indicator is defunct and not usually included in up-to-date capability strings.
nsub Remailer always preserves the original subject header, even in pgp mode. This capability indicator is defunct.
mon Remailer has been known to monitor contents of private email.
filter Remailer has been known to filter messages based on content. If not listed in conjunction with mon, then only messages destined for public forums are subject to filtering.

How Do Reliable Remailers Differ?

With several exceptions, the information in this manual applies to all remailers. At the time of this writing, Reliable remailers differ from other remailers in the following ways:

  • Reliable treats a Cutmarks directive in a simpler way than some other remailers do. Particularly, other remailers may treat sections following the cutmarks as another remail request. Reliable simply discards any text after the cutmarks.

  • If a Reliable remailer does not support ek and a user includes an Encrypt-Key directive, Reliable will discard the message. Other non-ek remailers may remail the message without encryption.

  • Reliable remailers treat a Post-To directive as an Anon-Post-To directive. Other remailers may treat a Post-To directive as a non-anonymous posting request.

  • Some remailers have a Latent-Time delay maximum of +23:59. Reliable remailers have a maximum of +99:99.

  • Reliable accepts spaces before and after comma-delineated addresses and newsgroups. Other remailers and mail2news gateways may not accept spaces in headers or directives.

  • Reliable filters directives and final headers, and removes blocked destinations. Other remailers may discard the entire message if a destination is blocked.

  • Because Reliable mix remailers support a Cypherpunk/Mixmaster hybrid capability, Cypherpunk directives, such as Latent-Time, are accepted in the final headers of Mixmaster messages. Non-hybrid remailers do not accept directives in Mixmaster messages.

  • Reliable remailers support the ext capability, which means that:

If you need to know what software a remailer is running, try sending a remailer-conf or freedom-conf request.


anonymous An anonymous message is a message which has been remailed by a remailer. All original headers are removed from the message, so that the original sender is unknown to the final recipient.
bit bucket The "trash can" of a remailer. The phrase "sent to the bit bucket" means the message was discarded (deleted) by the remailer, and not remailed. [See also: dummy message]
blocked An email address or newsgroup is said to be blocked if the remailer operator forbids users to send messages to it. Reliable remailers will filter directives and final headers by removing just the blocked destinations. Other remailers may discard the entire message if a blocked destination is included.
In the event of abuse, a 'source block' may also be set to delete remail requests received from certain domains or users.
capability A function or option supported by a remailer, such as cpunk, mix, and latent. Capabilities are listed in the remailer's capability string. [More Information]
capability string A remailer's capability string shows the remailer address and what capabilities the remailer supports. The string may be obtained by sending a remailer-conf request or by checking remailer stats pages. [More Information]
chain A "chain of remailers" refers to several remailers used sequentially to deliver an anonymous message. The first remailer processes the remail request sent to it, and mails the message text in the request to the next remailer as an anonymous message. In this case the message text is another remail request intended for the second remailer, and so forth. The last remailer in the chain sends the message text to the final recipient. When the remail requests in a chain are PGP-Encrypted or Mixmaster, the last remailer does not see the address of the original sender, and the first remailer does not see the address of the final recipient.
conventional encryption Encryption (usually by PGP) which is symmetric (uses the same passphrase for encryption and decryption). Conventional encryption is often used to improve reply-block anonymity via the use of Encrypt-Key, Encrypt-3DES, Encrypt-CAST, and Encrypt-Subject directives. The passphrase used to encrypt/decrypt is referred to as a "conventional passphrase". Conventional encryption is different than public key encryption, which uses two keys (asymmetric).
cover traffic Messages from many users which flow in and out of a remailer. This traffic makes traffic analysis of your messages more difficult. Cover traffic is also sometimes generated purposely by users, sending dummy messages through chains of several remailers, in an effort to make tracking a single message more difficult.
Type I
A Cypherpunk remailer, also known as a Type I or "CPunk" remailer, accepts remail requests in Cypherpunk format for sending anonymous messages. Cypherpunk remailers include cpunk in their capability string.
denial of service An attack on a remailer or user (sometimes abbreviated DoS) used to deny service to remailer users, including any attack designed to shut down or limit a remailer (such as a mailbomb or flood), and attacks aimed at shutting down a nym account by sending too much mail. [See also: replay attack]
directive A command which tells a remailer how to process a remail request. Directives are also sometimes called "remailer headers", "remailer control headers", or ":: headers", although they are not actually headers. [More Information]
dummy message A remail request sent to a remailer or chain of remailers which generates a null message at the final remailer, which is discarded. Dummy messages are used to generate cover traffic. [See also: bit bucket]
explicit A function is said to be explicit if it is initiated by a user's directive. Examples include Remix-To, Encrypt-To, Latent-Time. [See also: transparent]
final header Email headers added to an anonymous message. Final headers are visible to the final recipient.
final recipient The recipient of an anonymous message from a remailer or chain of remailers. In some cases the final recipient is a mail2news gateway.
garbage Random (usually radix-64) text added to a message body to make the message appear larger than it actually is. Garbage helps thwart traffic analysis. Garbage is generally added between "-----BEGIN GARBAGE-----" and "-----END GARBAGE-----" lines. [See also: Inflate]
hash Hash may refer to a hash header. A hash is also a way of mathematically representing a message's content with a number. Each unique message generates a virtually unique hash sum. Popular hash algorithms include MD5 and SHA1. Hashes are used in replay caches and internally by the Encrypt-Subject function.

hash header A header, such as Subject, added to the hash ("##") section of remail requests. Hash headers are added as final headers in the anonymous message.
header An email header is a line at the top of the mail which provides information. Examples of headers include Subject, From, Date, Newsgroups, Received. [See also: original header, final header, message body]
remailer key,
public key,
mix key
The public key of a remailer. Cypherpunk remailers have a public PGP key. Mixmaster remailers have a public mix key. (Some remailers have both.) Public keys are used to encrypt remail requests to the remailer, either as a PGP-Encrypted Remail Request, or as a Mixmaster message. You can obtain the keys for a remailer by sending a remailer-key request or by downloading. PGP keys are installed on your PGP public keyring. Mix keys are installed in your type2.list and pubring.mix files.
mail2news gateway A service which posts received messages to Usenet newsgroups. Messages to mail2news (aka m2n) gateways require either a Newsgroups header, or in some cases accept the newsgroup in the address.
message body The message body, or message text, refers to the text portion of an email containing the message itself, but does not include the headers. "Message text" also refers to the part of a remail request which is remailed to the recipient.
middleman A middleman remailer (designated by middle in a remailer's capability string) will not send messages directly to final recipients, but will instead send the message via another remailer. Reliable remailers which are middleman are "smart", in that when sending a message to another remailer, the message will be sent directly.
MIME MIME, or Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, is an email protocol supported by some email clients which divides messages into parts (such as attachments) and provides various encoding schemes. When sending a remail request to a remailer using a standard email client, it is important to turn MIME off. Remailers do not accept remail requests in MIME or with attachments. To send MIME messages and attachments anonymously, use a remailer client which supports MIME.
Type II
A Mixmaster remailer, also known as a Type II remailer, accepts remail requests in Mixmaster format for sending anonymous messages. Mixmaster remailers include mix in their capability string.
Mixmaster client The program used to create Mixmaster remail requests. Mixmaster versions 2.0.3, 2.0.4, or 3 may be used to create Mixmaster messages for use with Reliable remailers.
news signature Several lines of text which may added to the message body of news posts to indicate that the message was sent via an anonymous remailer. [See also: Anon-Post-To, Newsgroups]
nym account A newnym account, or "nym", is an email account set up at a nym-server (also known as a pseudonymous remailer). Nym accounts allow the owner of the account to send and receive mail under a pseudonym, without any one party knowing their real email address. Nym users send mail using chains of remailers and receive mail using a reply-block. Nym account use is often simplified through the use of a remailer client.
null message A void message generated by a dummy message which is discarded by the remailer. [See also: bit bucket]
PGP PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, an encryption program originally written by Philip Zimmerman for public use, which has since become a popular program for secure communications on the internet. PGP is used extensively to increase the security and anonymity of Cypherpunk remailers. All pgp remailers support PGP versions 2.6.2 and 2.6.3 (RSA keys). Some remailers also support PGP 5.x and 6.x (DH keys). [See also: remailer public key]
operator A remailer operator (or admin) is a person who runs a remailer, providing an anonymous remailing service to remailer users.
original header Email headers included with the remail request, showing the original sender's address and location. These headers are removed when the message is remailed anonymously.
original sender The remailer user who sends a remail request to a remailer requesting that a message be delivered anonymously to the specified recipient (either another remailer in a chain or the final recipient.
ping To send a remail request to a remailer which returns a message to yourself, to test whether the remailer is operating correctly. [See also: stats, remailer reliability]
pool A remailer's message pool is a collection of messages scheduled for remailing. Remailers pool messages to make it more difficult to determine which received message generated which output message. Pools are used to provide reordering and cover traffic and make traffic analysis more difficult.
precedence Directive precedence refers to which directive is considered first when multiple destination directives are specified. Message precedence refers to how a message would be sent - Remix, RePGP, or plain, before consideration of middleman and Rand-Hop functions.
pubring.mix This is a Mixmaster client file which contains the public keys for the remailers listed in type2.list. Your pubring.mix file should be updated regularly by downloading the current pubring.mix.
reliability For various reasons, remailers often experience more down-time (server not operating) than standard email servers. When remailers are down, mail may be cached (saved for later sending) or lost. Because of reliability problems, users download stats to stay up-to-date on which remailers are functioning.
remail To send the message text in a remail request anonymously to an address.
remail request A specially formatted message sent to a remailer which requests that the remailer resend the message text to another address anonymously. Remail requests may be in Cypherpunk or Mixmaster format, depending on the remailer's capabilities. Remail requests are also sometimes called "remailer messages" (a term which is also used to refer to an anonymous message, although the two are different).
remailer A mail service which accepts remail requests for sending anonymous email. Remailers are Cypherpunk, Mixmaster, or pseudonymous. "Remailer" may also refer to the particular software which the mail service runs, e.g. Reliable.
remailer address The email address where users send remail requests. A remailer's address may be obtained from its capability string. [See also: remailer name]
remailer client An email program specifically designed for use with anonymous remailers and nym accounts. Remailer clients automatically create remail requests and reply-blocks, download stats, and facilitate other common remailer functions.
remailer name A remailer's name is a short common name for the remailer, e.g. Replay. Reliable remailers accept a remailer name in a directive in lieu of a remailer address. A remailer's name can be found in its capability string.
remailer user An original sender who sends a remail request to a remailer, requesting that a message be remailed anonymously. [See also: remailer operator]
Remix A method Cypherpunk remailers may use to send mail to other Cypherpunk remailers which also support mix. The message is formatted as a Mixmaster message. Remix may be transparent or explicit.
RePGP A method Cypherpunk remailers may use to send mail to other Cypherpunk remailers. The message is PGP-encrypted for greater security and anonymity. RePGP may be transparent or explicit.
replay attack A traffic analysis method where a large number of messages are sent through a reply block, or a given remail request is sent multiple times. The increase in traffic makes it easier to determine the final recipient of remail requests. Replay attacks are thwarted by replay caches, and the use of Max directives. [See also: denial of service attack]
replay cache A system of storing hashes of messages, to prevent multiple messages being mailed. Replay caches are used to thwart replay attacks and reduce spam.
reply-block A reply-block (also referred to as an encrypted reply-block, or ERB) is a partial remail request which allows a user to reply to a message by prepending the reply-block to their message text and sending the resulting remail request to a specified remailer. Reply-blocks allow replies to be sent anonymously even though the sender does not know the address of the recipient. Reply-blocks are constructed as PGP-Encrypted Cypherpunk remail requests. They are often used with nym accounts to allow a nym account user to receive mail without the nym-server admin knowing the user's email address. Because of their potential complexity, reply-blocks are often constructed using a remailer client.
reorder A remailer which reorders messages sends messages in a different order than they are received. In this way it is more difficult to determine which received remail request corresponds to which anonymous output message. Reordering makes traffic analysis more difficult.
stats Remailer statistics are used to indicate what remailers are up (running properly) and what remailers may be down (not operating - usually discarding messages sent to them). Statistics are an indication of remailer reliability. They are created automatically by servers which ping the remailers regularly. Statistics may be downloaded from various sites.
strip To remove a final header from an anonymous message. The remailer operator chooses which headers are stripped. The list of stripped headers is available via remailer-conf requests.
traffic analysis The snooping and analysis of private email sent to and from remailers in an attempt to determine the original sender or final recipient of a message. Traffic analysis involves watching mail patterns and examining headers in attempt to determine who a user exchanges mail with. Traffic analysis is thwarted by cover traffic, reordering, pooling, encryption, and other techniques. [See also: replay attack]
transparent A feature is said to be transparent if it does not require any action or command from the user. Transparent features are automatic, and in the case of Transparent Remix and RePGP, it requires a Test-To directive to determine if the function is being performed. [See also: explicit]
type2.list This is a Mixmaster client file which contains a list of remailers currently available. This file should be updated regularly by downloading the current list. [See also: pubring.mix]